Terra Firma Tamper

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Wonder Why Portrait.png
To make the good stuff!

Wonder Why

The Terra Firma Tamper is a vanilla structure, for information in what it does outside of the mod go to the DST wiki.

Wonder Why starts with the knowledge to craft the Terra Firma Tamper.

Terra Firma Tamper Station Icon.png Crafting Recipes

The mod adds 5 new craftable turfs to theTerra Firma Tamper, any character can make them.

Gem Shards.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Blue Church Turf Icon.png


Gem Shards.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Pink Church Turf Icon.png


Gem Shards.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Red Church Turf Icon.png


Gem Shards.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Green Church Turf Icon.png


Gem Shards.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Purple Church Turf Icon.png


Terra Firma Tamper.png Gem Crushing

Any character can crush gems and their refined versions to convert them into Gem Shards but Wonder Why benefits the most from this as other characters don't have many uses for Gem Shards.

Refined Red Gem Icon.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Gem Shards.png
Red Gem.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Gem Shards.png
Gem Shards.png
Refined Orange Gem Icon.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Gem Shards.png
Gem Shards.png
Gem Shards.png
Orange Gem.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Gem Shards.png


Refined Yellow Gem Icon.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Gem Shards.png
Gem Shards.png
Gem Shards.png
Yellow Gem.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Gem Shards.png


Refined Green Gem Icon.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Gem Shards.png
Gem Shards.png
Gem Shards.png
Green Gem.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Gem Shards.png


Refined Blue Gem Icon.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Gem Shards.png
Blue Gem.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Gem Shards.png
Gem Shards.png
Refined Purple Gem Icon.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Gem Shards.png
Gem Shards.png
Purple Gem.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Gem Shards.png


Refined Iridescent Gem.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Gem Shards.png


Iridescent Gem.png
Terra Firma Tamper.png
Gem Shards.png


Prototype.png Tips

  • As Iridescent Gems are the gems that gives the most amount of Gem Shards it is highly recommended to duplicate these via gem seed farming.
  • Be careful while crushing gems as giving a stack to the Terra Firma Tamper will consume the entire stack instead of only 1 at a time.
  • Gem crushing isn't necessary to make your first Face of Denial because refining gems at an Ancient Jewel Grindstone can give you enough Gem Shards.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Gem crushing with the Terra Firma Tamper and Wonder Why starting with the knowledge to craft it were added in the Gems Unleashed 1.4.5 update.

Blueprint.png Gallery