Ancient Discordant Rod

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Wonder Why Portrait.png
Be anywhere anytime, that's why I love my inventions!

Wonder Why

The Ancient Discordant Rod is an equipable item craftable only by Wonder Why in the Wonder Why Filter and Magic Filter. Requires 1 Broken Ancient Crank, 1 Lazy Explorer, 1 Refined Orange Gem and 1 Scale to craft at a Divine Globe Clock, cannot be prototyped.

Works similar to a Lazy Explorer, when held, increases movement speed by +25% and the "Telepoof" action appears where the cursor is at, right-clicking will teleport you to that spot.

However, while playing as Wonder Why it will lose 30 durability units if you teleport during the 4 sec cooldown slipping off your hand, when recharged, the rod doesn’t lose any durability and stays in your hand slot, on cooldown or not Wonder loses 5 Sanity Meter.png sanity each use.

Any other character triggers the durability loss no matter what and loses sanity each use (-10 Sanity Meter.png recharged and -5 Sanity Meter.png on cooldown) slipping from their hand as well.

Prototype.png Tips

  • Only really useful for Wonder Why; if you wait for the rod to recharge it's and infinite Lazy Explorer
  • It has 100 effective uses when losing durability units.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • The Ancient Discordant Rod was introduced in the Ancient Relics 1.5.9 [ACT 2] update.

Blueprint.png Gallery