Ancient Bone Freezer

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Wonder Why Portrait.png
The temperature, deathly low - just how I like it.

Wonder Why

The Ancient Bone Freezer is a craftable structure found in the Wonder Why Filter, Storage Solutions Filter, Structures Filter and Cooking Filter. Requires 1 Thermal Stone, 1 Refined Iridescent Gem, 3 Pure Brilliances, 6 Thulecite Walls and 8 Moon Rock Walls to craft, and a Divine Globe Clock to prototype.

Only Wonder Why can make this Structure but any character can use it.

Any perishable can be placed inside the Ancient Bone Freezer, like a Chest it can hold up to 9 items or stacks of them. It cannot store the never spoiling types of food such as raw Mandrakes, raw Tallbird Eggs or Refined Gem Cubes.

Unlike an Ice box, items inside will never spoil, instead they will get their freshness restored over time (+1 second of freshness per second).

Prototype.png Tips

  • You can store small creatures, such as Moleworms, Rabbits and even Birds.
  • Because you can't put the Liquid Mirror inside a Bundling Wrap or a Gift Wrap but can inside the Ancient Bone Freezer it's highly recommended to do so for Gem Seed Farming or healing.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • The Ancient Bone Freezer was introduced in the Ancient Relics 1.4 [ACT 2] update.
  • Though the Ancient Bone Freezer was planned since the Legacy Concepts it was released later on, it also used to be named "Bone freezer" instead of its current name.

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